After both 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7 Build 7048, which many rumored to be the release candidate was leaked less than a week ago, the newer build of Windows 7 has been leaked. the 32-bit (x86) version of Windows 7 Build 7057, which was compiled on March 5, 2009, has leaked to torrent network for free download via BT client. And unlike any other builds, there is some clue that build 7057 may indeed is a potential RC 1 build.
Windows 7 Build 7048 has the build tag string of 7057.0.x86fre.winmain.090305-2000. One of the major differences between build 7057 and all other previous leaked or officially released builds of Windows 7 is that the evaluation copy expiry date has been extended to March, 2010, specifically on March 2, 2010.
build date: March 06 2009 at 13:18
The English build Microsoft Windows 7 Build 7057 Ultimate x32
Year: 2009
Version: 7057 Version: 7057
Developer: Microsoft Corporation Developer: Microsoft Corporation
Platform: PC Platform: PC
Information: Win7_RC.1_Ult_NRL.EVL_en-US
MD5: 2a3863afe3453d1be642201fd3260ab2
SHA1: 0f32dfe92d544f4690ab91c02b59dba665d4ca0f
CRC32: e34e099b
Startup Bug, Desktop.ini Opens in Notepad on Every Boot – FIX
This is an odd bug, mostly due to the fact that some instances of desktop.ini are visible and not set to system and hidden. Fortunately the fix for this is quite easy:
1.Navigate to C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
2.Delete desktop.ini
3.Navigate to C:\Users\USERNAME\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Window s\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
4.Delete desktop.ini if present.
The Windows 7 product keys to activate the official beta Build 7000 can still be used to activate Windows 7 Build 7057 RC.

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